About us

Everyday holistic wellness really isn’t a myth. In fact, it is a simplistic lifestyle that anyone can adapt, and also with the provided right guidance. That is exactly what we’re here to help you with!

In Uzhavar Kalam, we offer a curated range of natural and organic products including cereals, flours and grains, natural sugars, power-packed snacks, seeds, nuts and cold-pressed oils to complement the wellness lifestyle. Being food forward, we lookout for new ingredients to make the culinary journey more varied, satisfying and enjoyable. In maintaining an ethical supply chain, we only source responsibly grown produce, promote indigenous varieties and follow sustainable practices wherever possible. In essence, we believe in doing well by doing good.

At Uzhavar kalam, we look to be the enablers in your journey to a healthy lifestyle. We source the finest natural and organic produce from local farms that use sustainable farming methods. We look to make organic products accessible to all and make eating tasty and nutritious food a viable option.